Chapter 89: The mother.

"...her name is Merri..." Panashe told her. "Merrigold, and her brother is James. I do not know much about them but I've only met Merrigold. She is nice."

Jenny only nodded. Having already given up, she had no expectations not for today or for tomorrow or the days to come. When she had been informed of being purchased, she had wondered why? She was of no monetary worth. Not with her looks having faded and her skin withered with old age. Eyes slowing sinking in from hard days work. Her hands covered in blisters. Her body with scars, some healing some very old, some fading. Panashe could tell that Merrigold's mother was once upon a time a very beautiful woman in her days. Merrigold clearly resembled so much of her mother's good looks. From the shape of her face and the prominent doll face. The woman was as under weight as a rail, twiggy slender and malnourished but still managed to maintain her hourglass figure.