Sisters And Plans

Ilona closed the door to her bedroom and leaned against it with a sigh. Finally, she had escaped. All night she had felt like a she had been under attack from everyone. Even now, closed in her room, she was sure cruel words about her were still flying around the estate as word spread that she had lost Isaac and Willow.

Pushing herself from the door, she was relieved to see her father's servants had remembered her ritual and had a bath waiting for her. The first thing she liked to do after returning from a long voyage was give her hair a good washing and scrub away the sea salt and dirt from her body.

She peeled off all her clothes, dropping them in a pile on the floor before stepping into the steaming water.

Ilona groaned softly as she settled in and felt all her muscles begin to unwind. Life on a ship was tough and physically demanding. It was only when she was home again and in her bath that she remembered what her body felt like when it relaxed. She hadn't even realized how sore she was until that moment.

Holding her breath she let her head sink below the water as well, feeling it kiss her cheeks and soak her hair. When she came back up again and opened her eyes she discovered she wasn't alone.

"I knew this was what you would be doing," Lucia smiled at her as she stood with her hands clasped in front of her.

"Of course," Ilona smiled back, "It's my first night home after a voyage. You know how I like my routines."

"I do," her younger sister giggled, "Now sit up so I can wash your hair."

Ilona did as she was told and let her sister scrub her hair, working out all the tangles. When she was finished she poured a bucket of water over her older sister's hair and then wrapped it up in a towel. Finally finished, she moved to sit lightly on the big bed, tucking her feet beneath the blanket.

"You don't have to keep watch over me," Ilona gave Lucia a knowing look, "I'm going to be alright."

"I know you are," Lucia shrugged, "But I thought you could use the company. And I wanted a break from only ever talking to married women. These days when you're gone I sometimes feel like Tess is my closest friend and how pathetic is that?"

Ilona laughed as she finished washing her body, "Yes I suppose your father's pregnant mistress isn't the best person for a proper lady to have as a best friend."

"I'm not so proper," Lucia said then with a wicked little grin.

"Lucia Black," Ilona said in mock horror, "Whatever have you done?"

Lucia laughed and fell over on the bed, throwing her arms wide, "Oh Ilona I know I should be upset right now because of our brother and sister but something wonderful happened and now I can't think of anything else!"

Ilona laughed as she got out of the tub and dried herself off before slipping into a nightgown from her dresser. She walked around her bed and climbed in the other side, pulling the blanket up over she and Lucia.

"Alright, I'm here," she giggled as she brushed her long damp hair, "Now tell me what happened."

Lucia rolled over and propped herself up on her elbow, biting her lip and looking like an embarrassed schoolgirl.

"Tell me!" Ilona insisted.

"Alright!" she gushed, "Well.... Sam kissed me!"

Ilona's mouth fell open and her eyes went wide. "What? He kissed you!"

"Yes!" her younger sister squealed before clapping her hands over her mouth.

"Oh my gosh Lucia," Ilona shook her head, "I can't believe he was brave enough to try it!"

"There's more," she beamed, moving to sit up and take Ilona's hands in hers, "He... He asked me to marry him."

If Ilona had felt surprised before, it was nothing compared to this. She stared at Lucia with her mouth open, unblinking.

"Please say something Ilona," Lucia whispered, watching her nervously, "I have to know what you think."

"I-I-I don't know," Ilona stammered, "Did he... Did he ask Father yet?"

"No," Lucia shook her head looking worried, "He said he wanted to be sure I actually would want to marry him before he spoke to Father."

"And do you? Want to marry him?"

"I do. Oh, I really do!"

Recovering herself, Ilona smiled fondly at her sister, "Well then I'm sure Father will give you both his blessing. Just make sure no one catches you kissing him before that."

Both sisters giggled and dropped down into the bed, rolling on their sides to face one another. They were quiet for a time as Lucia studied her older sister.

"Are you alright?" she asked hesitantly after a while, "Jamie and Nick told me what happened."

"Better them than Lucas," Ilona rolled her eyes.

Lucia nodded but didn't reply. Not sure what else to say.

"I'll be alright," Ilona said to ease her sister's worry, "I'm going to do whatever I have to do to get them back... And I will get them back. I just have to figure out how to do what I have to do."

"What is it you have to do?"

Ilona sighed and rolled over on her back, staring at the ceiling high above. She had hoped to get a break from talking about this but she couldn't really blame Lucia for wondering.

"I have a letter... I have to take it to the King... King Daniel... If I do and if the King agrees to what's in the letter... then he will let Isaac and Willow go."

"The King?" Lucia repeated in surprise, "But how on earth will you ever get in to see the King?"

"I don't know," Ilona sighed, rubbing her eyes with the heels of her hands, "But I'm going to have to figure out something."

Lucia rolled onto her back too then and both sisters lay in the bed staring upwards in silence. They were both trying to come up with ideas for how Ilona could get in to see the King. At that moment it seemed nearly impossible.

Not just anyone got to walk right into the royal court and have a private talk with the King. That privilege was reserved for the most important of nobles. Not to mention Ilona was a pirate. Pirates were definitely not allowed into the castle to talk to the King. But there was another royal that wasn't so opposed to pirates.

"Father still does business with the Prince, doesn't he? What was his name?"

"I don't know his name. But Father does still work with him. He was actually here not very long ago for one of Father's parties."


"Yes," Lucia smiled, "He was very handsome."

"Who cares about that," Ilona rolled her eyes, "Do you know where he is now?"

"Back at the castle, I would guess. You wouldn't be able to get in to see him either anyway. Not without Father."

Ilona groaned and covered her face with her hands. The women were quiet again for a while.

"I have it!" Lucia exclaimed suddenly, bolting upright, "Ian! When the Prince was here he came with other nobles. There was one, a man whose face was covered in scars poor thing, but he had a beautiful wife. I heard the men talking and it was that man's wife who Father put Ian in charge of looking after. So you can go and tell Ian what has happened and he can talk to those nobles with you and maybe they'll help you!"

Ilona felt as if her insides were shriveling up. Could her luck ever just be good for a change?

"Lucia I don't think..."

"No Ilona it will work! I'm sure of it! The man was a duke or something and they're very wealthy. I'm sure they would have no trouble at all getting you in to see the King. You just have to go and talk to Ian. They're staying very close by too! It's perfect!"

Lucia flopped back down onto the pillows, a pleased grin covering her face. She turned to look at Ilona expecting to see the same kind of excitement but when she saw her older sister's face her own smile fell away.

"What is it? What's wrong?"

"There is another mistake I made," Ilona admitted quietly.


Together the sisters sat in bed and Ilona told Lucia about what had happened with the pirates attacking the estate. She told her about how she had thought it would be a good idea but it had turned out to be terrible. Now the Duke and Duchess hated her and Ian was furious with her. They were her only chance to get in to see the King and she had ruined it.

Once she finished the story Lucia sat quietly for a long time, soaking in her sister's words. Just when Ilona was sure she'd fallen asleep the younger woman spoke again.

"I know you won't like this Ilona but you're going to have to go there and apologize."

Just hearing that word made Ilona cringe. "I don't think I can..."

"You don't have a choice. They're your only chance to get in to see the King so you have to do it. You have to go there and apologize to the Duke and Duchess and Ian too."

"Ian? Why Ian?" Ilona whined.

"Because you're going to need his help," Lucia sighed, "And you're much more likely to get it if you apologize to him... and bring one or two of the younger ones. Like Nick and Jamie. Ian's always had a soft spot for Nick and Jamie."

Ilona groaned, "So I have to apologize to three people that hate me then and just hope they'll not only forgive me but agree to help me?"

"It's going to be a long shot," Lucia shook her head, "But it's the only chance you have."

"Fine," Ilona gave in, knowing her sister was right, "I'll go over to see them tomorrow afternoon once they've had some time to... recover."

"That's probably for the best. You should also try to think of something you can give them for helping you."

Ilona let out a long slow breath, "Fine. Now can we stop talking about this please?"

Lucia nodded and rolled back on her side to face her older sister again. A playful smile fluttered on her lips.

"We can stop talking about it but that means you're going to have to listen while I tell you all about my kiss."

Ilona laughed and rolled to face her as well, "I was going to ask you about it anyway."

So then she sat and listened to her younger sister talk until the girl finally dozed off. Then Ilona laid alone in the silence wondering what it would feel like to be kissed.