Ian's Anger

"Lord and Lady Adair," Ilona greeted their victims turned hosts, bowing to them as gracefully as she could. As soon as she bowed, Nick and Jamie hurried to do the same, resulting in an awkward, rushed gesture.

"Captain Black," the scarred Duke greeted her with cold eyes, "Are you looking for Ian?"

"Oh no," she shook her head and swallowed, "I was actually hoping to speak to the two of you."

Neither the Duke nor Duchess moved from their place at the bottom of the stairs. Both stared at her, judging her.

"You'll forgive me if I don't offer you to come in and sit with us," Lord Adair said icily, "Given our short history, I think things will be best if we both stay where we are."

Ilona took a deep breath but wasn't surprised. She hadn't expected a warm welcome. Not after what she and her men had done. She felt embarrassed and was dying to escape this place.

"Very well," she replied with forced cheerfulness, "Right here is fine."

Ilona hesitated, and neither of her hosts spoke. She glanced around the room, taking it in and trying to think of a way to approach the subject when her eyes landed on her brothers behind her.

"These are my younger brothers," she gestured to them as she made the introductions, "Jamie and Nick. They're members of my crew."

"Oh?" The Duchess spoke to her for the first time, her voice cold, "So were they members of your pack of men that invaded our beach and battered my husband?"

For a moment, Ilona's fake smile of friendliness slipped, and her annoyance took over. She was here to apologize. The least the woman could do was give her a chance.

"No, "she replied cooly as she forced her pleasant face to return, "They stayed on the ship last night. They're still quite young."

"Ah," the woman nodded in mock understanding, "So they will learn how to terrify and raid once they're older then?"

"Delaney," the Duke said under his breath, "She is still Ian's sister."

"Last night is actually the reason I've come here," Ilona lifted her chin and tried to brace herself for her following words, "I wanted to... I wanted to say I was sorry... for what happened..."

"You're sorry," the Duchess repeated in annoyance, "You're sorry? Do you not understand the enormity of what you did last night?"

"I understand that it was terrifying for you both and that it will not be something easily recovered from. Raiding homes was a bad decision, but I can't take it back. All I can do is apologize and assure you it won't happen again."

The Duchess opened her mouth to speak again, but her husband quickly spoke up first, "You're brother is very dear to my wife, so because of that, we will accept your apology. Our forgiveness, however, won't be so easily given."

"I didn't expect it to be," Ilona shook her head, "But I appreciate you letting me at least apologize. If the roles were reversed, I don't know that I would be so kind."

"I'm sure you wouldn't be," the lovely Duchess commented coldly.

Then she heard the sound of a voice she had been dreading.


All eyes went to the stairs where her brother Ian was now walking down, glaring at her. Her gaze met his, and she could practically feel the daggers. His eyes moved from Ilona to their younger brothers behind her though and she watched as his expression immediately changed.

"Nick!" he grinned, "Jamie!"

Ian opened his arms wide and the boys pushed past Ilona to go to him. She knew they had been missing him likely as much as he'd missed them.

Ian crushed the first one in a hug before releasing him and doing the same to the other. They all babbled to one another in the language of the pirates, teasing and taunting each other. Ilona took the chance to glance behind her at the Duke and Duchess to see if they appeared to understand what was being said.

Both the nobles had fond little smiles on their lips as they watched her brothers. Ilona knew then that they must not understand what the boys were saying. If an average person not raised on a pirate ship had heard the terms her bothers were using for each other they would have been shocked.

Feeling a bit of relief, Ilona turned back to her silly brothers now, her smile tugging at the edges of her lips.

"These are two of my younger half brothers," Ian finally switched back to English to make introductions for the Duke and Duchess.

"That's what Ilona said," the Duchess said, and Ilona felt a little annoyed at being addressed so informally. She was still a Captain after all. She wouldn't have addressed this noblewoman as "Mrs. Adair."

Ian rolled his eyes, "Yes, well, I'm sure she brought them in an attempt to make me less angry with her. I haven't seen them in nearly a year. They used to be part of my crew when they were younger."

The Duchess looked surprised as nobles always did when they learned how young the Black children were when they joined pirate crews. Ordinary people who weren't born rich were always less surprised. They'd grown up working their whole lives as well.

Ian looked up from Nick and Jamie then to turn to Ilona. She had to fight to keep herself standing tall and not shrink back under the heat of his anger with her.

"What do you want?" Ian asked coldly, "I would have thought after last night that you wouldn't push your luck by coming here again."

Ilona frowned at him, putting her hands on her hips and tossing her chocolate curls over her shoulder. He was already pushing her patience.

"For your information Ian, I came here to apologize to the Duke and Duchess. You just missed it."

"Ah well, I'll never believe it happened then. You don't know how to apologize."

Ilona crossed her arms, "Don't be childish."

"Well," the Duke cleared his throat, "If you have said what you need to say, then Ilona, I believe we are finished."

"I actually have just one more thing," she said quickly, turning back to them. For some reason, it didn't bother her when the scarred Duke referred to her by just her first name. Perhaps it was because he seemed to be the kinder of the two.

Ian moved to stand by the Duchess, crossing his muscular arms over his barrel chest and looking at his sister suspiciously. Not sure what was going on since they didn't speak the language, Nick and Jamie stepped up beside Ilona and looked around at the others curiously.

Seeing how protective Ian was towards this noblewoman, Ilona found herself wondering if this truly was just a job for him or if there was something more. She would hope Ian wouldn't be foolish enough to chase the Duke's wife since the man was widely known for his talent with a sword.

Ilona took a breath and looked at Lord Adair evenly, "Some of my men were in the village earlier, and they had a bit of a scuffle with some of your guards. Except I found out after that they weren't your guards anymore because they had left your employment."

Beside the Duchess, Ian dropped his gaze and Ilona felt a little thrill. If the loss of the guards was something her brother felt responsible for, then maybe he would help her convince the Duke ad Duchess to take her offer.

"These men said they told you to send away my brother but you wouldn't," Ilona said to the Duke, "Is that true?"

"It is," he answered, "Ian is a good, loyal man. He's done nothing wrong. All of the blame for last night's happenings lies with you."

Ilona felt herself internally cringe with the reminder of her foolishness.

"I am aware of that," she replied, making herself keep her voice even, "And I am grateful for your kindness to Ian. That kind of loyalty isn't gained easily. But I imagine it wasn't easy to give up so many guards given your rank."

"We will be fine," he said firmly, "We can hire more once we return to the King's City tomorrow."

"You don't think those guards might try to cause trouble for you?" she asked, acting as if she had just thought of this, " Since you took the side of a pirate over them?"

The beautiful Duchess swallowed and looked up at her husband. The Duke's frown grew deeper as he watched their guest.

"If they do, we can handle them," the Duke replied firmly, "Some of the guards didn't leave."

"Do you have enough to take with you and to send along with your servants to protect them when they go on ahead to the city?" she asked, pushing him a bit more.

"What concern is this of yours, Ilona?" Ian interrupted then, and because she knew her brother, she knew he was embarrassed. "It's your fault the Duke has this problem at all."

"Yes, Captain Black, I would like to know why you are suddenly concerned with the safety of myself and my people?" The Duke studied her, "You weren't concerned last night."

Ilona raised her chin defiantly and stared at him. Her heart was racing and her stomach in knots. She took a deep breath.

"Well... it just so happens I have a proposition for you."