Ian's Duchess

The pirates were quiet as they waited for her. Ilona hadn't expected to see so many. Her entire crew was present, even Pierce, as well as a portion of Lucas's.

"Are you sure you won't need your men?" she asked her half-brother, "What if you need to sail?"

Lucas smirked, "There will always be plenty of pirates around waiting for a chance to get back to the sea. Right now, you need my men more than I do."

Sam Thatch stepped forward from the crowd, holding the reins for his horse in one hand and the reins of Ilona's mare in the other. She took them and thanked him, looking over to see Nick and Jamie both climbing into the saddles of their horses.

Ilona was just barely tall enough to climb up onto her horse without help, not that she ever would have accepted any. In the saddle, she felt the heat and power of the horse beneath her. It somehow worked to calm her nerves. She looked over her shoulder at the men behind her and felt proud of herself for getting them there.

"Ilona," Lucas called up to her from on the ground. She looked down and saw him standing with Lucia and half a dozen of their other siblings. She met his gaze and was caught off-guard by the worry she found there.

"Be safe," he said to her, "Come home safe."

Ilona nodded, swallowing back a sudden tightness in her throat and chest. She looked away from him to calm herself but found her eyes landed on her mother standing high up in a window looking down on them, Jordana beside her.

"There's your mother," Ilona smirked down at Lucas now, "We'd better go before she notices Nick and Jamie are going with me."

"You go," he gave her a mischievous grin, "I'll take care of my mother."

Ilona looked over her siblings that were staying behind one last time before she tapped her heel to her mount's side and took off, leading a herd of horses and pirates behind her.


The ride to Lord and Lady Adair's estate felt longer than it actually was, making Ilona annoyed with herself. The upcoming ride to the city was long enough as it was without her letting her mind stretch it out to feel even longer.

Jamie and Nick had taken up their places on either side of her, leaving Pierce and Sam right behind her. Ilona knew that even though they weren't on the ship, she would have to leave Pierce as her second in command. Otherwise, she would never hear the end of it, and there would be even more discontent on her ship when they did sail again.

She felt relieved when the Adair's manor began to take shape on the horizon ahead of them. As they grew close, she noticed her incredibly tall brother standing in front of the doors, watching them ride up.

The Duke and Duchess's carriage was already waiting for them with a perfectly matched team of beautiful coal-black horses. The carriage itself was a magnificent thing made of dark wood with lots of ornate carvings. The Adair crest had been painted on the sides in gold which matched the spokes of the wheels.

Again, Ilona felt a moment of envy as she had when she'd walked into the manor. She loved her life sailing and being a pirate captain, but it was hard, back-breaking work. She wondered what it would be like to live such a pampered life. Her father's estate was nice enough, but it was nothing like this.

They came to a stop, the pirates moving their horses to take up their positions to guard the carriage. Ian walked down the steps and Ilona noticed there was a hint of a surprised expression on his face, but overall he seemed pleased.

She knew she shouldn't care about impressing her younger brother, but she did. She was desperate to earn his respect back, so they might start to slowly work towards rebuilding the close relationship they had not long ago. Ian had been her very best friend her entire life until these last few years.

"Thatch!" her brother grinned, stepping up and giving a firm handshake to the lanky man, "It appears my sister lied to me. She said she would bring plenty of good and able pirates to do this job. Instead, she shows up with you."

Sam laughed goodnaturedly at the other man's teasing and kicked a foot out at him as if he was going to kick him backward. Ian moved on from him to the next few men he recognized saying hello. When noise came from inside though, he hurried to take his place beside the carriage again.

Ilona watched as the scarred Duke walked out of the house with the beautiful Duchess on his arm. She wore an elegant, flowing aquamarine gown that matched her eyes perfectly, and her hair was done up in an intricate design on her head. When the couple looked to her she nodded at them in greeting.

Her brother strode forward to speak to them, but he wasn't far enough away to avoid being overheard.

"We will ride straight through," he said, looking at each of them, "If you need to stop of course, we can, but it will be safer and faster if we don't."

Delaney Adair glanced at her husband, and Ilona saw the worry flash over her face before she worked to hide it. The Duke didn't look concerned at all. Ilona wondered if the other woman's fear was for her husband or herself. And what was it that she was worried over?

"Ian, try to stay calm," Delaney said to the pirate, taking his hand for a moment, "If we rush and something happens, it will be even longer before we can help your siblings."

He dropped his gaze and nodded. The Duchess stood on her toes to lean up and kiss his cheek. Ilona's eyes went wide and she looked to either side of her at Nick and Jamie to make sure they too had seen what had just happened. Both of the younger boys appeared as shocked as she felt.

Ian blushed and quickly said goodbye, moving to climb up onto his horse. Ilona's attention snapped to the Duke, expecting to see him in a fury, but he wasn't.

Vincent Adair smirked at the other man in amusement as he helped his wife into their carriage. There was no anger or annoyance there at all. He climbed into the carriage himself, and the footman closed the door behind them.

Ilona frowned, looking at her brother. He was staring hard at his hands on his reins, but there was the faintest smile tugging at his lips.

"Don't be a fool, Ian," Ilona said as loudly as she dared, not wanting to be overheard by the Duke and Duchess.

Her brother snapped his gaze to her, "What are you talking about?"

Ilona frowned. Ian had never had any trouble getting girls. He was tall, handsome pirate Captain, the first-born son of the pirate king. She knew what Ian looked like and how he acted when he was only flirting with a girl and when he had found a girl he truly cared about. The Duchess appeared to be sitting in that second category.

"What are you talking about, Ilona?" he repeated himself as his horse danced nervously to the side, sensing his mood.

"You know what I'm talking about," she said with a grave look.

"I can assure you I don't," he replied with an icy tone, giving her a warning.

Ilona stared at him a moment longer before she sighed and nodded.

"Let's just be on our way."