Restless Pirates

Ilona locked herself in her bedroom. She didn't feel like talking to anyone. She didn't want to hear Delaney and Vincent pity the selfish Prince or Ian defend him. When her brother knocked on her door, she pretended to be sleeping.

Dinner with the others was quiet that night. After they had all excused themselves, Ilona tried to hurry back to her room, but Ian was on her heels. She frowned at him when she opened the door, but she let him come in anyway, knowing there was no avoiding this conversation forever.

"Mason wants to see us," he said as soon as the door was closed.

Ilona raised her eyebrows. That hadn't been what she expected to hear.

"He wants us to go to the castle to meet with him tomorrow night once everyone else is in bed. He said not to tell the others though."

A frown creased Ilona's brow, "What does he want from us that we have to be so secretive about?"

"I don't know," Ian shook his head, "He didn't say."

Walking to the small table with chairs at the side of her room, Ilona took a seat and crossed her arms as she thought this over. It seemed strange to her that he would want to hide things from the Duke and Duchess. Besides, what on earth could he want from the Black siblings? They had heard his announcement that he was running away.

"I don't like this," Ilona looked at Ian, "What if he does something to make the Duke and Duchess angry with us? They've been our only allies."

"He won't do anything like that," Ian shook his head, looking at her seriously.

Ilona rolled her eyes, "I don't trust him."

"You don't have to trust him," her brother said, "But you should trust me. If I thought Mason could do something to turn Vince and Delaney against us, I wouldn't dare go."

"But he wants us to hide it from them," Ilona countered. She realized then that she actually feared losing the budding sort of friendship they had with the Adairs.

"I'm sure he has a good reason. Mace wouldn't want to let anything happen to them either."

Ilona sat back in her chair with her arms crossed over her chest. She could see Ian was determined. Whatever the cowardly Prince wanted, they would find out.


The following day Ilona got up and dressed early. She crept down the stairs and outside to the stables, thankful not to be seen by anyone.

It didn't take her long to locate her gray mare among the horses in the small stables. She didn't see any of the men that she knew worked here, so she saddled her horse herself. Luckily it was something she had learned to do long ago. If she hadn't, she never would have been able to keep up with her brothers, who had all learned about horses from their father.

In the early morning light, she rode down the cobbled streets towards the Inn where she knew her men were staying. Or at least most of them. Some, she had been told, had been kicked out for brawling.

It wasn't entirely their fault. They weren't accustomed to so much idle time with no work to be done. Aboard a ship, there was always work waiting.

Ilona tied up her mare and dropped to the ground. She wore a sword on each hip and knew she was likely drawing a lot of attention to herself. She had grown used to that though. People weren't used to seeing a woman in breeches. Let alone a woman who was also a pirate Captain.

At this early hour, she knew most of her men were likely to be still asleep or else still awake from the night before but uselessly drunk. When she stepped into the dimly lit Inn, she was proven correct.

Immediately she recognized a few of her men, including the overweight Ed Jennings, her third mate. They were scattered through the main room on various chairs and benches, all snoring soundly. By the stale alcohol stench, Ilona could guess what they had been up to. She rolled her eyes. None of them were who she was there to see anyway.

"Looking for me then, Captain?" said a voice as if she'd thought him into existence.

Ilona turned to find Pierce Vane standing in a shadowy corner behind her, arms crossed over his chest and a curl to his lip. She felt the familiar revulsion that always came with the presence of the greasy, rat-faced man.

"Why are you lurking about like a criminal?"

"Well, we're pirates Captain," he sneered, "We are criminals, are we not?"

Ilona rolled her eyes, "Come on. We need to talk."


The Quartermaster slunk up the stairs with an oddly bobbing gate he had developed after a sword fight with a sailor whose ship the pirates had taken over. Ilona followed behind him, familiar with the way he walked. Pierce might be a bit slower on dry land, but aboard a rocking ship or climbing up among the sails, his injury was barely noticeable.

They came to a small door at the end of a hall, and the man opened it, standing back for his Captain to enter first.

Stepping inside, Ilona was relieved to see there was no evidence of women here. She had been raised among pirates, and with so many brothers, she knew well the things men got up to when left to their own devices. She didn't begrudge them their pleasures. It turned her stomach to imagine Pierce Vane up to such things though.

To be safe, she didn't sit on the bed but instead took up a place leaning against the opposite wall, facing the door. Never one to appreciate being looked down on, Pierce didn't sit either, arms crossed over his chest.

"Why are we still here?" he asked before Ilona could say anything. He didn't raise his voice, but she could tell he was annoyed.

"Because we're still needed here."

"We were supposed to guard the Duke on his travels here. We never agreed to stay in this wretched city while he..."

"You're here because I'm here," Ilona interrupted, "I'm your Captain. You are my crew..."

"We're not aboard the ship now, Captain," Pierce snapped, eyes flashing, "Here, the men can choose if they're going to follow your orders or not."

Ilona fell silent and swallowed hard. She refused to let her gaze drop from his. She would not let this man think he could make her feel small.

"Any man who chooses to question my orders here," she spoke deliberately, "will find they won't have a chance to question them aboard my ship... because they will never sail on it again."

Pierce narrowed his gaze, "Yours isn't the only ship they could crew..."

"You will find my Father and brothers won't welcome them aboard either," Ilona spoke over him, "So if the men here want to continue being pirates, they'll continue following my orders."

The ratty little man glared at her and Ilona didn't flinch under the gaze even though she was bluffing. Her brothers might respect her enough not to take the men on their crews but her father was likely to take them all on his crew just to teach her a lesson.

Pierce Vane's hand rested on the hilt of his sword and she had no doubt that he would like nothing more at that moment than to run her through with it.

But Pierce was no fool. After a moment he let his gaze drop from the pirate King's daughter and relaxed his clenched fists. He would push Ilona as far as he dared but he seemed to always know just the right place to bring it to a stop.

Ilona's temper was bubbling now from him questioning her and she found herself wishing he would push just a bit farther. One or two more stupid comments and she would be justified in drawing her sword on him. Pierce knew her skill with the blade though and wouldn't be foolish enough to put himself on the receiving end of it.

"Alright Captain," he said quietly, "If the men get too bold I will give them your warning. I will ask though if you have any idea when we might expect to be going home? They're growing restless, drinking and gambling away all their money. They'll want to be off to earn more soon."

"As would I," Ilona sighed, rubbing her temples now, "Pick a few of the loudest complainers and send them back ahead of the rest of us. Tell them to begin preparing the ship to sail. Send Jennings with them."

"Aye Captain," Pierce gave a slight bow, "Anything else?"

Ilona considered all the things she wanted to say to the man, but knew she shouldn't. Instead she used the reply her father always used to dismiss people when he was finished with them. Including herself and her siblings.

"That is all."