Tricks and Turns

Mason looked down into Ilona's rich chocolate eyes under long black lashes. As he studied them, he noticed there were the tiniest flecks of gold in the dark brown.

His eyes moved down to her plump, rose-colored lips, and as he watched them, they parted just a little.

He was suddenly aching to know what those lips tasted like.

Leaning down, he took a breath and closed his eyes, his heart pounding in his chest. He had wanted to kiss Ilona Black since he'd seen her that night in his study. Now, they were finally alone, and this was his chance.


His lips never found hers.

Instead, to his surprise, he heard her sudden gasp. His eyes flew open in time to see her jump back, letting go of the jar of milk. They both watched in shock as it fell to the ground and broke into a dozen pieces, milk going everywhere.

They stared at it for a moment longer before he looked up at her again.

"What... what happened..."