Your Majesty

      Mason was silent as he dressed and saddled his horse.  He kept glancing at Ilona from the corner of his eye, but her face was stony, and she refused to look at him.  He didn't blame her.

      Whatever progress he had made on getting Ilona Black to warm up to him, he had just lost in one swoop.  He still couldn't believe he'd been so foolish and insulted her as he had.

  He had assumed she would be like all the other women in his life vying for the attention of a Prince.  They giggled and went along with his flirting and teasing even though sometimes he got the feeling they didn't really think he was all that funny.

      Mason had foolishly assumed Ilona would be like all the other girls.  Why had he?  She had already proven herself to be unlike anyone he'd ever met.