The Inn By The Road


She was asleep.

      Mason would have laughed with relief if he hadn't been so furious.  His face twisted into a strange expression and the older woman behind the bar now looked at him with worry.

      "Are you alright?"

      "Of course," Mason flashed her his best pearly smile, "I was just thinking that maybe my luck is starting to turn around.  I'm in need of a new life, and a pirate ship is usually in need of a crew.  Perhaps we can be of use to one another."

      "Wait!" the woman hissed as Mason straightened up, "You strike me as a kind man, so I'll give you this warning.  If you throw in your lot with that pirate, the only place your luck will go is from bad to worse."

      Mason frowned and glanced over his shoulder at the sleeping form of Ilona before turning back, "What makes you so sure of that?  She looks harmless enough to me."