The Things

Ilona and Mason crouched down behind some bushes as they took in the sight before their eyes.  It wasn't easy to see, but now that they were close enough, they began to make out the scene.

      Several figures were moving quickly around the horse.  Ilona counted at least four.  The beast let out a whiney of protest, but the  figures ignored her.

      A glowing light came from something, and when she looked, Ilona saw it was a lantern burning very low.  That must have been what they'd seen earlier.  As she watched, one figure moved and turned it up, making the light brighter on them all.

      "They're humans!" Ilona gasped, and Mason quickly shushed her.

      The figures in front of them were men wearing only breeches, the rest of their bodies slathered with a thick layer of mud or paint or possibly both.  They even had it on their faces painted in strange symbols.