Sunrise Together

      As the pair slowly traveled through the night, the pain in Mason's head eased into a dull ache, and his dizziness started to get better.  He and Ilona were both exhausted, and she had given up her stiff posture, letting herself sink back against Mason's strong chest.

      The warmth of his arms around her, his sweet scent, and the steady thumping of his heart began to lull her to sleep.  She knew she would need to talk to him if she didn't want to pass out in his arms like a foolish girl.

      "I'm sorry about your mother's locket," she said after a while.  It had been on her mind since the thieves had gotten away.

      "It's alright," he murmured against her hair, "I told you I barely knew her.  It's not important."

      "I don't believe that," she shook her head, "If it wasn't important to you, then you wouldn't have gone back for it and fought for it.  Obviously, it meant a great deal to you, and so did she."