Sam Thatch

      Ilona stiffened.  She wanted to jerk her hands from the Prince but realized that might draw even more attention to the fact she was touching him at all.  Her heart was beating hard in her chest but his felt as steady as always beneath her fingertips.  The man himself always seemed to be warm and solid and steady when she needed it.

      Mason's deep blue eyes moved slowly from hers to look past her at the person who had spoken.  The muscles moved in his neck and jaw as he swallowed.  His face was unreadable, and Ilona wished she could tell what he was thinking.

      "Uh, Captain?" came the voice from behind her, finally giving up and speaking to try to get her attention.  Ilona closed her eyes and felt her cheeks warm, annoyed with herself for being in such a position and getting caught on top of it.