A Sailor

      When Ilona left her cabin the following morning, it was just before sunrise.  She went below deck to the galley and sat down to eat breakfast at a rough wooden table.  Nick, Sam Thatch, and Pierce Vane took up their seats around her table as well.  Being the highest-ranking people on the ship, they almost always ate their meals together.

      There was a second longer table a bit farther back, and it was there the crew gathered to have their meals in shifts.

      The Captain's table was quiet until Anja placed their plates in front of them.  Once they'd had a few bites of their breakfast and were a bit more awake, they talked.

      "The wind still hasn't returned," Nick spoke between bites, "We only have a very slight breeze, and it's barely moving us along.  If you add this delay to the delay caused by being blown so far off course, we're easily more than a week behind schedule."