
      That night the crew ate their dinner on deck beneath the stars.  It was too hot below deck with no breeze, and after a long day in the sun, they all welcomed the cool night air.

      Mason had learned that the older man who could play the tin whistle so well was called Wilson.  He had spent his life on the water.  When King Daniel's navy had decided he was too old to be much use anymore, they had turned him out with only a small amount of gold.  Having nowhere else to go, the man had turned to the pirates for work and shelter.

      It frustrated Mason to hear his brother's men were being treated in such a way.  He hoped Daniel wasn't aware it was going on.  He made a mental note for himself to write to his brother to make sure if he wasn't aware, he would become so.

      The silver lining to the story was that Wilson was apparently happier with the pirates than he had ever been during his time with the navy.