The Cage Below

      Jennings climbed down the rigging and back down to the deck.  He glanced around and saw the scrawny Sam Thatch standing next to Ilona and Nick Black, talking seriously about something.

      He had been heading for the stairs, but now he paused, his curiosity piqued. He moved towards the mast, pretending to tie something as he strained to hear what they were saying.

      "...there's nothing to be done.  There isn't a speck of land between us and The Red Lands."

      "We'll just have to push to sail on as quickly as we can."

      "If we cut the rations down further, do you think we'll make it?"

      "Even if we cut the rations back, I don't think we can make it in time."

      "Well, we'll have to try."

      Having heard enough, Jennings scurried away, back to his task.