Into The Ocean

      Mason gripped Ilona's hand tightly as they were plunged into the icy water.  However, the seas were still rough from the wind and the rain, so it only took a moment for the powerful currents to rip them apart.

      The water was as dark as the sky, so when Mason opened his eyes, he couldn't tell which way was up.  The swirling waters spun him around until he was completely disoriented.  It didn't take long for his lungs to begin to burn for air.

      He kicked his legs and tried to swim, desperate to find the surface.  The angry current tossed him about like a doll.  His lungs were on fire.  He had to breathe.  He couldn't take it any longer.  His eyes began to close as his mind screamed for air.

      And then suddenly, something hit him hard in the chest, causing pain to shoot from his ribs and knocking the air he did have out of his lungs.  Mason opened his eyes and was shocked to see a section of the mast that must have broken away.