The Kiss Of A Prince

      Ilona sat with Mason on the beach and watched their little fire burn, warming up their toes, boots, and swords discarded in a pile.  She had her hands resting on the sand beside her, and when his hand bumped hers, she dared to weave her fingers through his without looking.  Her heart fluttered happily when he didn't pull away but instead held her hand tight.

      A slight breeze blew over her, ruffling her hair and making her shiver.

      "It's going to be cold here at night," Mason commented after watching her, "We're going to need to make some sort of shelter so we can use the canvas from the sail as a blanket."

      "That won't be a very comfortable blanket," Ilona smirked down at him.

      "No," the Prince chuckled, "But it's our only option for now."