A Dark New Home

      Ilona raised her eyebrows at Mason's announcement and then looked around her, trying to see what about this spot had made him decide it would be a good home.  Other than being close to the water, she didn't see much.  It was actually rather open and exposed.

      "I don't know, Mace... I don't think I like it."

      The Prince chuckled, "Well, you haven't seen it yet."

      With an excited smile, he grabbed her hand and pulled her after him towards the rocky wall of the ledge.  Ilona looked around but still saw nothing remarkable about the area.

      "Alright," he said, throwing his hands wide, "I've brought you right to our front door.  Now, look around and see if you don't agree I've found the perfect place.  "

      Ilona couldn't help but chuckle as she shook her head at him.  His excitement could be contagious.  If only she understood what he was so excited about.