Trapped Between The Rocks

      Mason kicked his legs in the water below him, doing his best to keep his muscles working and his body pumping blood.  The water was cold, and he had already been starting to get numb when he'd first spotted the dragon.  Now, ages later, his digits would barely bend, and his legs were getting slower and slower.

      If that wasn't bad enough, as the dragon lounged on the beach, the tide was coming in again, causing the water in Mason's pool to rise.  Soon, it would be too high for him to be able to remain tucked behind the rocks.  Then, all it would take was one big wave to wash him ashore right into the dragon's mouth.

      He closed his eyes and worked to push that thought away.  He wasn't going to die.  He couldn't.  Ilona needed him.  He needed to protect her, help her find food, and fix the cave into a good shelter.  Ilona couldn't lose him to the dragon and be stuck here all alone.