Uneasy Truths

      Ilona watched Mason closely over the next few days.  He hadn't been himself since they'd seen the dragons acting strangely on the mountain.  Normally, he was cheerful, teasing and kissing her, but lately, he had been quiet.  More than once, she had caught him standing and staring off, lost in thought.

      When Ilona asked Mason what was wrong, he would quickly plaster a smile on his face and tell her everything was fine.  However, his joy was no longer reaching his lovely blue eyes, so she knew it wasn't true.

      The only time the man seemed truly happy now was when he was curled up in bed with her, talking... or not talking.

      Alone on their island, the couple had nothing but time, and they spent it however they pleased.  Their newest hobby was laying together and telling each other the stories of their lives.  Sometimes the stories were good, and they would laugh at one another.  Other times, they weren't quite so flattering.