The Good And The Bad

      Ilona paced back and forth in her cabin on her ship.  Nick and Sam watched her with worried eyes, but Mason just hung his head, looking at his hands clasped between his knees.

      "I can't believe this," she fumed, "I let him live!  I could've let him drown.  I could've let him go down with the ship!  But I didn't.  I pitied him and showed mercy, letting him out of that cell.  Now, this is what he does?  He assumes I'm dead, so he tries to take control of my crew and lead them to their deaths?  Really?"

      "Ilona, you've known he was a snake for some time now," Mason sighed, "You can't be surprised when someone continues to act in their usual character."

      "Ian did think you should replace him," Nick reminded her gently, "He told us.  He said you couldn't trust him."