To The Camp

      Ilona tracked through the jungle with the men on their way to the pirate's camp.  She and Mason stayed close together, both uneasy. The moon was just bright enough for them to see their way without walking off a cliff, but it still left most of the island around them drenched in shadows.

      Shadows that could be hiding anything.

      Dragons... or mutinous pirates.

      Ilona glanced over at the handsome man beside her, and even though she was on edge, she couldn't stop herself from feeling a little thrill at the sight of him. He was all hers. And now, she had learned he wanted to be all hers forever. The idea of it made her heart sing.

      He looked her way and caught her staring at him. A smile lit up his face. Ilona blushed but smiled back before looking ahead again.  Mason watched her a moment longer, admiring the way the breeze made her chocolate curls dance against her cheek.