The Three

      Jamie was in awe of Mason and Ilona's cave home, both because of its beautiful ceiling and because of everything they had collected there.

      He walked around slowly, picking up tools, cups, and other things and examining them before returning them to their places. He was especially happy when he saw they had a pot to cook the collected crabs in. The three of them settled in to eat, glad to be together again.

      As Jamie chewed, he looked around him, his gaze drifting over and over to the beautiful bejeweled ceiling.

      "It's lovely, isn't it?" Ilona asked her younger brother, smiling as she watched him.

      "It is," he nodded, "if Father were here, he would want us to find a way to collect the gemstones."

      Ilona nodded, gazing upward as she considered this, "Yes… he would already be calculating their value in his head... ready to have the men load them all onto the ships and sail away with them."