
      Ilona held her breath as her heart raced in her chest.  She was outnumbered, and she knew it.  She wouldn't go down without a fight, but with these odds, she was most definitely going down.

      The rain continued in a steady drizzle over them, and the thunder rumbled low with little flashes of lightning.  The icy breeze swept through the trees, making the already cold inhabitants of the island feel even colder.

      "What's going on here then?" came a voice from behind her.

      Ilona's heart stuttered, and she exhaled in a rush.  A moment later, she felt the gentle warmth of someone touching the small of her back.

      "Your majesty," Pierce Vane sneered, "We were just asking Ilona where you'd gotten off to.  We were surprised to find you weren't at her side."