The Promises We Keep

      Mason took some of the men back to the beach to collect more oysters, and Ilona took her mother with her to collect more figs.  Ever since they had discovered the fruits, the men had had much more to eat.  Full bellies left everyone in better spirits.

      After Ilona had made it clear to everyone that she supported Mason's plan to rid the island of the dragons, nearly all the men had joined up to help in the attacks.  The ones who hadn't were mostly older and weaker.

      Although they weren't fit to fight, Anja enlisted the men that were left to assist her in caring for the wounded.  While the others practiced with swords, she passed out needles and gave demonstrations on how to wrap wounded limbs.  Luckily these men had spent a good portion of their lives as pirates, so they were very familiar with many different kinds of injuries.