I'll Take Care Of You

      Ilona and Mason continued towards their home in comfortable silence now.  Ilona had let him know he could talk to her about the fight with the dragon if he wanted to, but he didn't have to.  Mason thought that might be a subject he would never want to discuss.

      Ilona didn't mention it to him, but she had already heard the story enough times and from enough people that she was able to string together what had happened.

      The story may have changed some from person to person, but one thing had remained the same.  They sang Mason's praises for all he did in the battle.  From the first slash of his sword to the last, they thought he had shown great bravery and strength.

      Ilona knew it wouldn't sound the same coming from her, but she hoped some of the pirates would tell Mason they felt that way.  She knew he wasn't feeling nearly as good about what had happened.