On To The Next

      Mason and Nick sat and told the others what they had found on the mountain.  Jennings commented here and there but was wise enough to know to keep quiet.  Ilona could see it was as she had expected, and the man hadn't been able to keep up for most of the trip.  However, she was surprised when her brother informed her he had actually made it to the top, even if he was far behind.

      It wasn't long into the story when Ilona figured out the thing Mason had done that Nick had known she would be unhappy about.  The entrance to this dragon's cave was apparently blocked almost completely from view unless you were right in front of it.  Instead of going back and finding another dragon that was easier to access, Mason had slid down the embankment, ending up directly in front of the dragon's lair.  It was sheer luck that he hadn't woken up the dragon and needed to fight for his life.

      He was careful not to meet her eyes as this part of the tale was told.