
      "Get these bodies out of here," Pierce Vane ordered to his men, stepping over Charlie's body without a second thought.  He marched to Ilona and pulled his sword, pointing it at her where she sat broken on the ground.

      "You will leave here now," he said coldly, "The sun is close to rising, and the rest of the dragons will be waking.  If you're lucky, you might make it back to the camp you shared with your dead Prince before they take to the air and spot you.  I may not kill you... but that doesn't mean I wouldn't enjoy seeing a dragon do it."

      Ilona looked up at him as a few last tears slid over her cheeks.  As she stared at the face of the man she knew now to be evil, her heart hardened against him in a way she had never felt before.  She had always known she hated Pierce Vane, but this was something different.  Now, her hatred wasn't good enough.  She needed to kill him.