
      With his last words, Vane's anger had finally hit its boiling point. His evil gaze fell on Mason as he spun towards him, raising his sword.

      Ilona saw all this happening as if in slow motion. Mason stood defenseless as Vane's blade sliced through the air towards him. In only seconds, the man she loved would be dead, and this time there would be no surprise reunion.

      She couldn't let that happen.

      With a scream of fury, Ilona launched herself towards Mason. She was closer to him than Vane, so she still stood a chance. The problem was her weapon. The long, heavy sword was not as easy for her to maneuver. She wasn't sure she could get it raised in time or hold it steady enough to block. 

      Before she knew it, Ilona found herself standing in front of Mason and raising the sword in her hands.

      "Ilona, no!" he cried, but it was too late.