Should We Have Done What We Did?

      By the time Ilona and the others had reached the stream, the sun had set, but the stars and moon were bright enough for them to see. She was relieved when they found all the traitor pirates were waiting for them, weapons ready. It made her glad her own men had all come as well.

      "We were beginning to worry you weren't going to show," one of the traitors named Henry spoke up. He had done most of the talking earlier too, so Ilona assumed he must be something of a leader to them. He wasn't particularly tall or strong, but he seemed sure of himself, which was more than most of the others.

      "We said sunset," Mason said evenly. "The sun has only just set."

      "And some of us still had to decide if we even wanted to come at all," Nick added, arms crossed.

      Ilona smacked the back of his head and he glared at her. The traitors looked uneasy.

      "It doesn't matter," she assured them. "What matters is we're all here now."