The Male

      Mason, Ilona, and the others went back down to the waiting pirates and relayed what had been found. There were only a couple of men that knew dragons like Nick and Jamie did, but the rest had to have it explained to them like Ilona and Henry had. In the end, it may not have made total sense, but they knew enough to have hope.

      "So, what will we do now?" Ilona asked Mason. "The body of the beast is still up there. How are we going to stop the females from continuing to return to it?"

      "If the body is gone, they will give up," Mason explained. "They'll have nothing to return to at that point. They'll leave the island to look for a new male."

      "But how is the body going to be gone?"

      "Because," he smirked, "We're going to move it."

      "Wait," Henry frowned, "you want us to go up there in that pit? How can we do that? The smell alone could kill you."