Conquering Heros

      Mason tossed their swords to Nick and Sam before taking Ilona's hand and helping her into the rocking boat. Sam took her other hand and helped her to sit once she was inside it. Mason jumped over himself, but was so sore and stiff that he fell forward into Sam. Sam and Jamie caught him, righting him and easing him down next to Ilona on the lifeboat's wooden bench.

      "You two look terrible," Nick commented, studying them closely, arms folded.

      "Did jumping off a cliff end up being less fun than you thought it would be?" Jamie teased from beside him.

      "Better than being eaten," Mason sighed. "You two smell awful, by the way."

      "Yes, well, we spent the day hiding in mounds of dead fish," Nick rolled his eyes, sitting as the men began to row away from the rocks. "We spent hours marinating in it like meat. It's going to take ages to get rid of the stench."