Not Talking

      Eventually, the morning came when Anja checked over Ilona and Mason and deemed them both healed. She cleared them to do work and things she had previously requested they avoid for the sake of their health. She recommended they didn't overdo it, but they could definitely start working to get back to where they had been before.

      Mason beamed as he pulled back on his shirt. "Thank you, Anja. I've been waiting for this."

      Anja chuckled at the man. "I think we've all been ready for you to be able to get back to work so you can stop giving us all orders and critiques from the side."

      Mason grinned sheepishly and rubbed the back of his neck. "Yes, I'm afraid you can blame that on my upbringing. Lots of barking orders from the side while not actually doing anything."

      "Well, at least you've learned you can just do things yourself," Anja smiled fondly at him. "I imagine that's more than most who live that way."