Something Is Going On

      It was just past midday now, and Ilona hadn't seen Mason again. She had seen no one but her mother, who was hurrying down the path towards the pirate's camp. Ilona had to hasten to keep up and wasn't certain why she was bothering. She had no idea why her mother was acting so strangely.

    "Why are we going to the camp?" she asked Anja. "What do we need there?"

      "I had the men dig some pits in the sand. We're going to set pots to cook over the coals while we do other things."

      Ilona frowned, "Why don't we just cook them like normal?"

      "Because we have other things to do," Anja tossed back over her shoulder without slowing down.

      Ilona gave up. She would just do as she was told. At least it would be something to distract her until her talk with Mason that night. If she were sitting alone in their cave, that would be all she could think about. Even now, she was having a hard time keeping it off her mind.