
      No one knew what to say to Anja's confession. They all stood quietly, waiting and hoping for someone else to say something. But as the minutes ticked on, the silence remained.

      "You may have made the first decision, Anja," Mason said at last, "but I think we can all agree we were responsible for our own decisions after that. Even Ian isn't completely free of guilt. He could've gone to Luke and asked for help, but he's a Black and you all are so stubborn." 

      Mason smirked at his last words, teasing the whole group and easing some of the tension. Yet again, Ilona was so thankful she found this man and she felt herself loving him even more.

      "Yes, Anja, you certainly can't be to blame for Mace's bad decisions," Nick raised a brow. "You didn't even know him yet."

      "Ah yes," Mason chuckled, "and that is a very long list. You certainly aren't to blame for me lighting my brother's castle on fire and fleeing into the night."