- Can's view -

I'm currently playing with my best friend Berat fifa. I was so absorbed in the game that I didn't even notice that my mother was standing in my room. She went to the cable and pulled it out. I took off my headset and turned around, and it was then that I realized I was going to get in trouble. My mother stood behind me with a disappointed look and folded arms.

,, Can ... oh Can ... şimdi seninle ne yapmalıyım oğlum ?! "

(Can ... oh Can ... what should I do with you now?! ")

She said desperately, and annoyed armed out.

,, huh? I'm not doing anything "

"That's it! You do nothing ! tell me where you work! "


,,Do you see! You don't even go to work! You are 22! "

"Mom, we have money. Then why should I go to work when we already have everything? "

"Imagine we suddenly lose everything! And then? Well then we have nothing more! "

"ughh mom u are annoying "

,, I have a good friend and she will soon be running her own business. "

,, That means?"

"That means that you will soon be working for her instead of wandering around outside all day, taking some girls home and sitting in front of the screen for 24 hours!"

,,Are you serious?!"

,, Yes, I'm serious! I'll call her now. "

Before I could even speak again, she left my room. I picked up my cell phone and saw that Berat had text to me. I called him to explain the situation.

"Hey what are you just leaving the game?"

"Sorry that was my mother. She pulled the cables out."

,,Why? What did you do? Is any girl pregnant with you and showed up at your door? "

,,What no! My mother wants me to go to work. Well, now she calls her friend and lets me do work for her. "

"Ouhhh well then good luck brother"

"I will probably need that .."

-Mira's view-



I took the phone from his hand and deleted the photo of Can and I where we were sitting in his car. There are so many downsides to having a big brother. Just like now. One of his colleagues saw me in Can's car, took a picture of it, and then sent it to Eymen. Because of this, I usually have nowhere to speak to a boy as his friends seem to be scattered all over the place. Eymen and I heard my mother's footsteps approaching us.

,,What's going on here? Why are you screaming like that ?! ""

"Mira has-"

I knelt unobtrusively in his arm so that he could shut up.

"I got his hoodie dirty that I borrowed."

"Yes, that's exactly how it was."

I was so lucky he didn't betray me, but I know there will be consequences.

"Whatever, good that I found you two together, I need to talk to you guys. A good old friend of mine called, your son will soon be working for us in the office and you Mira will help him find his way around with us. He will be your secretary. ""

,, Ughh mom, you know I hate working with others! and what about my application? I didn't work on it for nothing! ""

"I'm sorry, but I'd rather keep an eye on you to take better care of you."

"I'm 21 no longer a little kid! You are completely exaggerating! ""

"Like it or not, you will do what I and your father tell you!"

I passed them angrily and locked myself in my room. I wrote a message to serap that she should pick me up with her car. I went to my window, thank goodness it wasn't that high off the floor, and opened it. I kept checking to see if Serap was already there. After 5 minutes she was there too. I jumped down, but on impact I bent down.

-Can view-

I was getting out of my car and was about to ring the doorbell to introduce myself, but I heard someone fall down. I went there and saw a girl on the floor with her head bowed. I looked up and saw that the window was fully open.

"Jumping out the window is no way out, honey"

I gave her my hand to help her. She took my hand and put the other against my head.

"I didn't mean to kill myself, you idiot, I'm trying to run away!"

She looked at me and gave me a startled look.


"Yes I. "

She hit me in the chest and injured her hand.

"Ouch, are you made of concrete ?!"

,, Let's find out;) "

,, Ewww no! What are you doing here ?! ""

"I'll be someone's secretary."

She looked shocked. I was trying to find out what she meant.

,, Oh no no no NO! please don't let it be true !! ""


Suddenly a car blew its horn on the other street. The girl who recently picked up her car was in there. I looked at Mira confused. Suddenly a boy came out of the house.


Mira pushed me aside and ran to the car. She got in and as the car drove off, she showed the boy the middle finger.


The boy yelled after her.