The cargo

I'm now standing by the docks, on my side is Ozzy.

Tonight is the night of my travel to ICARUS.

"You got everything right Ocho? Ah right, I forgot, Your name is Amaru now, got it? You got the address of my friend already right? You're going to stay with him so keep that in mind."

"I got it already old man. No need to act like a mother sending his kid on a field trip."

"Heh! You brat. Don't come crawling back here when you lost your way around there a'ight?"

At exactly 10 pm the ship stopped at the cargo docks. Ozzy and I approached the captain of the ship and exchanged greetings and pleasantries.

The captain also reminded not to go near the large containers.

Before boarding the ship, I looked back at Ozzy one last time and said.

"Oliver Zeman. Thank you for being alive"

"HAHAHAHA screw you kid! Take care out there! Remember our deal a'ight!"

We hugged one last time before I got on the ship.


I'm currently staying at one of the staff rooms with a makeshift bed and a nearby toilet outside.

According to one of the crews of this ship, they are transporting car parts and heavy machineries.

But as soon as I stood on the terrace overseeing the cargoes, I heard muffled voices coming from one of the containers.

I focused myself and enhanced my hearing. From inside a cargo I heard voices of girls about the ages of 15 to 22.

'Human traffickers'

I wasn't new to this kinds of things, as I was once ordered to massacre these types of people.

So I decided to stay quiet about it and not to poke my nose into other's business.

I went back to my room and thought abut my future.

'Never thought Ozzy would enroll me, but it's a pleasant surprise. After all, one of my targets is the Director of ICARUS academy. I could also take this chance to make connections.....though what I am troubled about, is the deal about Ozzy's li'l girl.'

Should I befriend her? Act as her personal body guard? No, no, no. Too much work. I escaped because I wanna live solely for me.

But as respect for Ozzy. I will do it, albeit as discreet as possible, I don't want to be tied down so I'll just return Ozzy's favor some way or another.

Apparently, the trip will last for a day and a half before reaching the southern docks of ICARUS.

So I'll take my time enjoying this free time of mine. I took out a stick of cigarette and started filling the room with smoke.

My short time with Ozzy dragged me to all sorts of vices, smoking is one of them, and I find it pleasant as the thought of my lungs, being enhanced and better than normal, will never negatively affect me.


Contrary to my expectations, the ship crew was very nice towards me, I thought they'd act like a thug considering they treat lives as only merchandises.

We drank liquors that evening until morning.

"Goddaymn kid! You drink like there's no tomorrow! KAKHAHA!"

"Damn right I do! And you guys will drink like there's no tomorrow!"

And when we finally arrived at the docks of ICARUS, one by one, I snapped all the necks of the crew.

There were 7 in total. I finished off the captain lastly and threw all of their bodies on the water.

And now I'm in front of the containers sealing the trafficked people inside.

'I'm not a hero, but I at least want to start my school life with a clean conscience. What ever they do after I set them free are all up to them.'

I covered my face with one of my shirts, so as to not let the people inside recognize me if we ever bump in the streets in the future.

I opened the cargo and saw 7 people inside. All of them were females.

2 chinese by the age of 21, 1 american probably 12, 1 thai around the age of 16, and 3 indians that seems to be a family.

A mother, an 8 year old girl, and a 17 year old blind girl.

At first, they were scared and confused but I quickly informed them of the situation.

"I killed all the men outside, so you're all free to do what y'all want. By the way all of you are shipped here in ICARUS. Now scram, before the reinforcements get alerted."

All of them, except for the Indian family, immediately ran away. The mother and the little girl, was supporting the blind girl.

The mother told her "Did you hear that Priyanka? We're safe now"

They were moving so slow I picked up the blind girl called Priyanka and brought her along with the mother and the little girl out of the boat.

The mother was startled at first but I shouted at her "you guys are not safe yet so move faster!"

After escorting them out of the area and far from the vicinity of the ship, I put the blind girl down.

"Thank you so much mister" the mother said while kneeling while the other two did so too.

"You're lives are in your own hands now, so no need to thank me. Now get out of here."

I told them, but before the blind trio left, Priyanka the blind girl asked me.

"May we know your name at least mister?"

"Hell nah."