Awfully Close

I never believed in anything superstitious such as religion.

Its not that I don't respect them though.

In fact my respect for each and every religion are more than enough to make me a universal saint.

I even studied the whole Bible.

But there are many personal reasons why I refuse to believe in them.

"Forgive me father for I have sinned." I muttered as I entered the confessional inside a pristine church on a friday evening.

First. I never liked the thought of being subservient to an invisible omnipotent being, or beings.

"Speak, my child" the priest replied in a low and caring manner.

Second. Religions are supposed to be our saving grace for things that surpasses our capabilities. Such as death.

"Father. I believe I have made a grave mistake... My deceit had long killed many."

And yet religions brought deaths more than renewed or reborn lives. In the forms of wars and conflicts.

"You believe? may continue, my child."

Lastly. It brought upon the greatest hypocrisy in this world.

"I would, father. But I also believe that you have sinned. And as fellow human who believes in equality amongst us and our neighbors. Why don't you confess to me too."

God said. "Love never fails."

So if it fails. Its not love.

God said "Love your enemies, as you have loved your allies."

And yet lucifer was singled out and was seen as the greatest villain of our age.

Theres a fine difference with praying to someone, and praying for someone.

Yet it never crossed on people's mind to pray for him. If they did, then maybe he would be redeemed from his actions and we wouldn't have to bother looking to our shoulder because of temptations.

Maybe its because everybody refused to believe that the evil actually originated from us.

The ones who live with borrowed time, and blamed it all on the one whose life span is infinite and had enough time to atone for his sin.

I continued.

"I know what you did, Father. Theres a reason why deceit is not part of the seven deadly sins. And theres a reason why pride is considered to be the deadliest sin."

Maybe because deceit was the fundamental factor in religions.

And pride was the prime origin of tyrants and the source of the devil's eternal demice.

"How insolent! You dare accuse me inside this holy ground?! Leave now!"

"Your pride is blinding me....."

I paused for a second and chuckled before I continued

"You will do anything for your God right? Then did you know that God liked making his people wait?"

"Stop your nonsen-"

"He promised Abraham a child, and he only got to see him born at the age of 100. But thats nothing compared to the decades of waiting the Israelites suffered through before God sent Moses to lead them towards the promised land."

"You blasphemous fool!"

"That doesn't even include how long their travel went while being pursued by the Egyptians-"

I paused for a second and opened the door of the confession right after I said my parting words.

"Now be a good servant and wait for your death in the corner of the room."

The priest was about to exit the confessional too, but I made sure to lock him inside before I entered earlier.

I then took out a lighter and lit the wooden confessional down.

I could hear him screaming in agony and banging the door down.

But no one came to his rescue.

Not even his precious God.

I sighed heavily as I exited the church and walked into the pouring rain.


4 days ago

"Hey Ocho. Are you listening?"

I heard Kyle talking beside me in a concerned manner.

"I'm fine. Maybe the alcohol's after effect."

Darren commented

"Yeah, right. This is my 4th hangover this month....Argh fuck! I wish I had some sort of immunity for hangovers!"

Mr. Michael heard Darren's tantrums. It was very obvious since everyone looked back at him. But Mr. Michael did not even bother reprimanding him.

'Thats odd..'

Classes went on as usual after Darren's commotion.

Even with a murder case ongoing right now, with many cops roaming the campus.

Its like the school is used to this already.

When breaktime arrived.

Kyle, Darren, and I went to the cafeteria all together to eat.

Something had been bothering me lately so I decided to get to the bottom of it right now.

"For guys who almost killed each other, you two sure are awfully close now."