Pushing Responsibilities

Unsurprisingly, the little sabotage games started the moment someone decided that the cons outweigh the pros. Of course, nobody wanted more responsibilities and less hot spring time. The brownie siblings quickly declined, passing this baton to the gnomes to decide who they wanted to nominate among themselves.

"Brownies only know how to stitch," they claimed. "Crafting is a wide skill that we aren't very good at."

Rino listened to the polite arguments between the eight gnomes who split themselves into day and night teams.

"The night team spends more time on maintenance work. I think that the crafting manager should come from someone in the day team."

One bearded gnome from the day team claimed that they were on rotation for the day and night teams to counter that statement. Hearing that, the gnomes quickly agreed that the representative should not be chosen based on the current rotation.