Vacation (3)

When Rino woke up, there were still a few more hours to sunrise. Hence, he withdrew the map from his shadow sack and congratulated himself for remaining in one piece over the night.

The map wasn't very accurate, and Rino could tell that the scale was wrong after travelling the distance between Spudville to the mountain ranges. Even if they took a wrong turn at the start if the sylphs were right about the time required to travel to the mountain ranges from Cypress County, the distance from Spudville to the mountains were much further.

When Rino found the swamp, it was already a few hours away by flying and several days on foot for those without magic powers. He could not imagine the number of days those who could not fly or teleport needed to get this far. Maybe they would have died in an attempt to make it to where Rino was because everything in this jungle following the path of the meandering river will try to kill.