Tannery Construction (3)

Armed with new tools to work with, the nine spectres gathered in Rino's little stone cottage for a briefing. Aiden and Griffith put together a simple design for the tannery after Rino told them it was located furthest from the town's centre.

Without a need to design underground tunnels and ventilation shafts, the tannery's concept was fairly simple.

There were five main stations and one storage building. Rino never felt prouder of the pygmy dwarfs for coming up with an idiot-proof design. Unlike the barn that was split into different floors for different purposes, the tannery's storehouse was for finished products only.

"Een, Twee and Drie will mine for salt. Bring as much salt as you can back using these sacks."

Passing the three shapeshifters cloth sacks that the fairies spun quickly for him, Rino explained the tanning process briefly.