Milk Master

Rino and the earth gnomes surveyed the new build site for the blacksmithing hut powered by water wheels for a week. At the same time, some trolls were asked to help dig trenches to redivert water from the river closer inland to the barn. A new building was added to the barn building project, and everyone tried to guess what Rino was up to this time.

Compared to the windmill, Rino found the water wheels easier to use and control because they moved at a constant rate. All he had to do was construct a dam and a gate that would release water if he needed more water to power the wheels. The plan was very detailed, and the pygmy dwarves travelled over to have a look. Kragami wanted a copy of the dam's design once it was finalised to see if he could build something similar in Cypress County, although Rino wondered how he would get flowing water in a swamp.