Dwarven Hospitality

Without care for time, Rino explored the abandoned mines to his heart's content. It was not just a dwarven sleeping quarter or a fortress. The dwarves took the time to make it their home before it was abandoned.

Rino found out what those small tunnels with wire meshes were. They were so deep into the heart of the mountain that there wasn't any fresh air. Without a constant air supply, the dwarves would have suffocated a long time ago. Rino failed to consider that because he was an undead and forgot all about breathing.

The small tunnels in the floors were slightly different, and they worked as drainage. Rino created a small clone that found out where all the sewage went. He wasn't sure if he should support the idea of dumping waste into the sea, but that shouldn't make too much of a difference now because nobody was living here. He only hoped that the dwarves did not dump the more toxic materials into the sea they used in smithing.