Proper Blacksmith

For almost two weeks, Rino spent his time as idly as he could. He mined out the mana emitting rocks and mana absorbing rocks to experiment with them and transcribed the dwarven stone plates while finalising his first official language. At the same time, Rino made sure he cashed out every single sleeping moment he could get before the new daily quest. Something told him that the gods would be working him very hard soon.

As promised, Rino told Erika to put Noir's cat statue offering as a priority task for the villagers in Spudville. At the same time, Ubel started crafting more cat god statues to put around other areas, such as in Cypress County, and there was even one in Town Zera by the Genesis Tree.

With so many offering stations, Noir should never have any lack of food upon his return. It didn't matter where he ended up. The villagers would automatically know to give the black cat VVIP treatment with the statues in every village.