Artificial Souls

After the chit-chat session with key personnel of Town Zera, the changes across his town became more significant.

The newcomers were no longer mistreated, and general cohesion increased. The efficiency of production and quantity of offerings went up. Everything was looking great, including the new options for offerings.

The gods must have decided that they were sick of eating raw produce. Hence, they added more offering options with greeted GF credit ratios. These items were also coincidentally highly sought after commodities in Rino's empire. Taro beer, flour, butter and cheese were some of the new options that paid the highest GF credits, but Rino decided to let his villagers determine what they wanted to offer to the gods. 

It was the nature of the living to be greedy. Everyone wanted the best for themselves, and Rino wondered how many would actually sacrifice their weekly limit of the good stuff for the gods who gave them nothing in return.