For the Future, Prepare Clothing

Gysavur looked up from the papers. 

"Perhaps not an unexpected question, considering what I have before me." He put away the stamp, slid the papers back to Krow. "Most entrants are recommended by their Houses."

"I am the only one of my House."

Gysavur hummed. "Then you must recommend yourself."

Krow let out a huff of laugher. This old man. "Are there no requirements?"

"The Gauntlet is always held on the first circling of the year, to rouse the spring. Are you certain you would be ready then?"

Today was the afternoon of November 17, which translated to the third day of the eighth circling. Then the first circling of the Redlands year would be in…February. The first half of February.

"If not, there is next one, and the one after that." 

Krow was only answering the village head's concerns, like he would placate one of his aunt's friends.