Answering Tamvost's Challenge (5 of 5)

Krow saw Hulach pushing grimly through the crowd. He bent down at the edge of the platform.

"What's going on? I thought there were other fights before the final?"

Thanjar shook his head. "One of the winners declined to continue because of injury."


In this situation though, was it believable?

Hulach reached them just as Avaldan did.

  "This wasn't arranged by us," the dwarvir blacksmith rumbled, perceptive eyes roaming over Hulach and the two herbalists that accompanied Krow through the tournament.

"It's fine," said Krow. "I hope you don't mind if I continue to borrow your sword?"

The blacksmith inclined his head, made an assenting grunt. His eyes narrowed at something behind Krow.

He glanced back, to see the referee looking away.

Ho, someone's in trouble.

Apart from him, he meant.