Promise Breaking

Since the Clan Leader of the Mu Clan came out, I guess it's best to at least show my face... right?

"U-umm... The Young Miss isn't feeling well." One of the servants holding up the sedan spoke for me.

Wait, I'm completely fine though?

"..." The Clan Leader lifted a brow, but I got up and walked out before they could say anything else.

As expected, everyone dropped their jaws at me.

The old Elder, who was the grandfather arranged partner, looked like he was about to have a heart attack. This response was a lot more respectable than the way the Clan Leader stared at my chest.

"Hey guys, it's so good to see you all~" I opened my arms in greetings to old Elder of the Mu Clan.

He dodged my hug, which surprised me a little.

My eyes turned to the crippled boy next to him. A hand waved at him casually in a friendly manner.

"We already met before, but nice to meet you~" Yin Feng had question marks in his eyes at my attitude.

"...Let's take this inside." Seeing the crowd that was gathering, the Clan Leader regained his bearings.

Likely because I wasn't his daughter or anything.

I was lead to a large hall where guests were received, but there were less servants here now.

Probably better that way...

"Please explain why you're here." The Clan Leader acted as a mediator between me and Yin Feng's grandfather. Since this was a marriage arranged by adults, he just sat back with a dark look in his eyes.

"Are you dressed like that out of spite? Do you want to dishonour the promise between the two families?" Yin Feng's grandfather was the fist to reproach without even hearing me out at all.

What a 'pleasant' way to start this off~

"You're grandson likes my clothes. Look~ He's already 'standing up'." I smiled a bit ambiguously.

Yin Feng's face turned red...

"F-filthy...!" The scrawny old Elder responded.

"You're right. It's 'filthy' to have a guy look at me like that. Wouldn't you also feel the same?"

"It's different. You're supposed to my grandson's future wife! Have some decency as a woman...!"

"And be a lot quieter, right? Wasn't I such a virtuous woman before in how silent I was?"

"I've run out of patience." As he spoke, he gestured to the servants who brought a new pair of clothes.

"Get changed before we speak any further." The old man continued with a disgusted expression.

The clothes brought to me were more modest. I didn't like their plain designs whatsoever.

They weren't worthy of me!

"Let's skip the formalities. I'm breaking the promise made by my father. We ARE NOT getting married."

"Nonsense! Little girl, do you think a promise between families can be broken so easily?! Bring your father here. I'll talk to your father." The old Elder was incensed. He didn't seem to like me.

The old man likely saw me as a pushover.

"It's not like that~ Yeah, I really don't wanna be here. My father didn't as well. That's why he sent me here to 'negotiate'." The Clan Leader silently watched as I straightforwardly got to the point.

No beating around bushes...

"You're lying...!"

"Even if I were, what's wrong with me breaking this promise?" I sat back and crossed my arms at him.

"...This is about my grandson's crippled hand, isn't it?" I raised a brow. When did I say that...?

"That's not-"

"How dare you humiliate him?! Just because his arm is feeble, doesn't mean the rest of him is too."

"I didn't ask about his vigour in bed."

"That's not..." The old Elder gaped at me.

He seemed tongue-tied from the way I twisted what he said. Then became even more enraged.

The two faces before me were burning red...

...but I calmed him down by stating:

"His arm isn't the problem." It never was and it never will. There's a bigger 'no-no' in the way.

"Then why...?"

"Why should our father's decide who we get to marry? I'm more a romanticist." These words were unexpected, but it looked like they were started to get on the same page. It now felt more normal.

Yin Feng finally got up at this moment.

He approached me without seeming to have any insecurities regarding that crippled hand of his.

Even using the other to hold my own...

"Then what if we both dated first?" He spoke in a seductive way with that handsome face of his.

Awww~ Isn't this just adorable~~?

"I'm not interested in you." His confidence took a hit, but it looked like he thought I was playing.

"It's because of my hand-"

"Didn't I say it WASN'T because of your hand?" I slapped away his hand and looked at him intently.

"You're lying...!"

"Such lack of faith~ What girl would like being called a liar?" He gave me a suspicious look.

"Then why...?"

"You ask that like I didn't just explain it." I raised my brows, and he seemed to somewhat believe me.

"What do you want in your partner? Strength? I promise... I'll one day rise above all that."

"Now let me guess: You want to be the strongest in the world, right?" My eyes glanced at his hand.

"...What's wrong with that?"

"Nothing... but what makes you think being the strongest is everything?" I tilted my head cutely.

"In this jungle of a society... it is." Yin Feng confirmed his beliefs, but I had my own answer:

"I want to be more..."

"More what?"

"More than just being 'strong'. I'm a greedy girl who wants to be more than that. Maybe a chef, maybe a lover, maybe even an inventor. Your limiting yourself if strength is your only goal."

At my daring claim, the youth seemed moved by my speech, and almost uncomfortably so...

"I understand."

"Do you...?" Now I felt suspicious...

"Why don't we move up the marriage date then. I'm fine with however long I have to wait for you."

"I'm not making you 'wait'..."

"You're playing hard to get, aren't you?" He was convinced that I was falling for his appearance.

"Err... No." Did he just ignore me?

"Don't be so shy." He smiled, acting intimate with me. It was more uncomfortable than I thought....

This wasn't because he was a guy and I was internally also a guy, but his attitude towards me.

It felt like he'd never believe I didn't like him...

"Fine... I'll tell you my REAL reason for breaking the engagement." Everyone listened in more closely...

"Is it really serious...?" Yin Feng's eyes sharpened at me. He seemed to believe I was threatened.

"Obviously! Ahem... Actually..." They leaned their ears closer. Then I yelled in a loud voice:

"I'M GAY!" I blew them away...

The trios felt their jaws almost dislocate from how hard it dropped. This is my special skill now.

Making everyone's jaws drop...

"Y-you're kidding...!" He didn't seem to believe me at all. This made me look at the girl still holding clothes behind me. She felt a chill down her spine at that moment, but it was already too late.

"Hey..." I called out seductively while leaning onto her. Then making full eye-contact with her.

"Y-yes?" She seemed a little weirded out by be, but my intense gaze seemed to make her blush a little.

"Do you want to help me change?" Even though that question seemed innocent enough from a normal girl, my attitude was making the subtext extremely obvious. She tried looking at the Elder.

However, I quickly blocked her gaze.

"He's not coming with us."

"That's not-" I moved her head closer to her face before she could think about it any further.

Seeing my face get closer, she knew what I wanted, but surprisingly, didn't stiffen up at all.

She became like jelly in my arms, being seduced by my appearance and movie imitation of charm.

Wow, was this the effect of a cute face...?

She put down her defences in anticipation. I could feel her body becoming hotter in my arms.

Was I 'bending' her straightness?

"Stop!" Before we could kiss, a party pooper just had to block me. I felt regret on not doing this later.

The atmosphere was broken, and she seemed to regain her composure. So I let the maid go free.

"What's wrong?"

"Okay, I believe what you said. That's an unfortunate 'illness'." Forgot ancient people were like this... Did they think my mind was weird just because the 'girl' before then was openly gay?

"Gayness isn't a disease..."

"I understand. Don't worry, we'll find someone who can help your condition." Now this was offensive.

"Help?" I leaned forward with dead eyes and a bright smile. This was a little bit funny to me.

"Y-yeah..." He seemed out off by my overbearing presence, while also being turned on by my chest.

"I wonder how gayness is fixed~? By putting a stick in my mouth and telling me to call you 'Daddy'?"

Their faces immediately paled. The iciness in my tone made them realise how offended I was.

"Filthy...!" The Clan Leader berated me.

"I know~ Men are such wolves~~!"

"Please don't be irritated. We're only saying this for your own good." The old Elder spoke up.

I wonder why he was silent earlier...

"You can't 'fix' me... Anyway, this will be the last time we'll meet... See ya~" I turned my back.

"Wait!" Yin Feng suddenly got up.

I wonder what nonsense he has for me...?

"Take this." He gave me a charm. What was this a bracelet for? Why was he giving me this?

"It's a little late for friendship bracelets."

"This is a symbol of my new promise. I'll definitely cure you and make you my wife. You'll see...!"

"Good luck with that." My eyes were cold. The bracelet turned to icicles and broke to pieces.

I left the hall after that nonsensical exchange...