Mu Tingyu, The Forgotten*

I felt like an avenger…

There were all these swirling emotions walking up within me. A flame… A fire- No, it was my hatred!

The happiness of others made me want to puke.

My current life was unreasonable, and not even my Frozen Heart could keep me from wanting death.

It gave me a self-destructive attitude…

At least, that was until I saw 'her'. The target that I was thinking about sending off to get dissected.

She wasn't particularly nice to look at.

Nor was protected by the Mu Clan.

Mu Tingyu, daughter of her clan's own 'Main Family', was sitting alone by the side of the road.

No one was there to serve her, and not even one passerby wanted anything to do with her at all.

She was a despised existence…

But that wasn't what tugged my heartstrings. It was instead the look she gave me with her eyes.

After going off and getting a change of clothes to look less conspicuous, I thought I'd blend in fine.

My eyes may look a little dead, but there wasn't anything wrong with my emotionless expression.

That's just how someone like me would look.

However, I was proven wrong by this woman.

Despite a similar level of 'darkness' in her eyes being present in her heart, she could push it down.

What was that expression…?


Perhaps there now existed a perpetual rage in her heart. One that kept from becoming like me.

It was using fire against fire… evil against evil.

I liked it a lot~

My entire attention was taken by her * gave up my plans to give he a tempting and sincere tradeoff.

"I can 'heal' your body."

"Bastard…" My eyes widened at her response. I had zero idea in why she would react this way.


"Oh, I didn't see you there. And… you are?"

"…A demon you summoned." I was just saying nonsense, but her eyes widened in utter joy.

Don't tell me… she actually TRIED doing that…?

"Really~?!" All her depression was washed away as she held my hand. How 'innocent' was this girl…?

"N- Yes." I was about to refuse, but this situation was interesting. Maybe I'll just go with the flow.

"So you can make me look better?!" When she upturned her face at me, I got a good look at it.

It was… disgusting. However, I didn't feel like rejecting her just because her skin condition was bad. I mean, my own skin wasn't this bad in my past life, but that didn't mean I had no sympathy.

Maybe I'll let her tag along until I've healed her..,

"Yeah…" I agreed without hesitation.

"Can you kill my family for me?"

"Too tedious."

"…" Her mood shrivelled up. It made me sigh and give her some level of assurance at the very least:

"I'll give you enough power to take revenge on anyone who hurt you. That okay for now?"

She nodded. Really heavily at that...

"Then let's get going." I spoke while grabbing her wrist. Both of us vanished using my Azure Water.

When we appeared again, Dao Ling was there.

"This is…?" The girl holding my hand cuddled up to me. She likely wasn't aware of what I was inside…

No, maybe she did indeed sense something.

Maybe that's why she followed me so obediently.

"Is she the one?" The white coat approached with a beaming smile. His hand extended towards her…

…but I quickly slapped it away.

"She's not for opening up."


"Opening up?!" Mu Tingyu's hairs stood on end cautiously. She was like a cat getting scared.

"He's my… servant. A doctor that does what I ask of him." The four-eyes gave me a strange look.

Of course, I ignored him for the time being.

I let him take a look at her to figure out how to heal her. Then he gave me a simplified rundown.

"If you want her face to go back to normal, you need to somehow evolve her Divine Physique."

"Even if you were going to use 'Bestowal', the chances of getting back her features are small."

"Did I ask you that?"


"Then let's just move on. I have an idea on how her condition can be fixed." I said with a straight back.

After hearing the explanation afterwards, he seemed to get really attacked to me somehow.

"Mistress! Call me your servant anytime~"

"Ew…" He didn't seem to mind how I looked at him in disgust. Even going so far as giving me a bucket.

"I can guess what this is for… but what are you planning to do with it?" He didn't answer me at all.

Dao Ling just whistled and walked off.

I couldn't be bothered about him anymore… My feet took me straight to the room of that girl.

Is this how prince's in romantic fantasies felt? I had nothing better to do but pay attention to her.

Literally nothing better to do..:

"You okay?" I asked the cloaked girl sitting on the bed. Most of her body was covered up completely.

The bucket was put to the side…

"So… what now?" She seemed reliant on me.

It was the first time I had this feeling. Somehow, I liked it when she came to me for assistance.

Her attention made me feel needed…

"Strip." But that wouldn't change what needed to be done. My words seemed to surprise her a bit.

"Why…?" Normally, I'd be annoyed from explaining myself, but I was going to make her an exception.

There's no need to be harsh on her…

"I'm going to control the 'Demonic Qi' you've got stored in your Qi Centre and rip out the impurities.

I'm going to mould your physique myself so it doesn't reject what I'm about to pass on to you."

"You're giving me a Gift?!" She wasn't able to believe my words even if I was truly a demon.

That was fair for her to think.

There was one ability that was innate to anyone possessing a Combat Gift… called 'Bestowal'.

As the name implied: This allowed one to pass on their own Gift and subsidiary techniques to others.

Though there were many restrictions to use it.

The first was age. Someone with a highly matured Combat Gift couldn't pass it to someone younger.

It was why lineages chose to forget about it…

The only reason Bestowal was even used was when trading with experts at a similar level and age.

That… or placing conditions onto other people.

The ability had a secret range of versatility.

"Yeah, a demon like me has more than one of them." That sounds like the right explanation.

I mean, there was only three for now, but I recently felt two more after searching around internally.

That two are the most important to me.

"Now… strip."

"Wait… My hearts not ready-"

"Screw it! Let's say we're both girls here!

"You mean you're not?!" She made weird noises when I grabbed her cloak and opened it up.

Her clothes were easier to peel off than I thought.

"Don't look…" She covered her body. The partial mutations on her skin were stomach churning.

However, Frozen Heart let me ignore everything.

This was my very first experience with a naked woman, but there was nothing 'sexy' about it.

I was just a healer curing ordinary patients…

All while using a kind of massage at that!

Gradually, the wooden bucket filled up as I used my Water Qi to offset the Demonic Qi in her body.

The process was a disgustingly slimy sensation…

Her skin slowly started to become smoother and face started to become more beautiful over time.

My attention was focused fully onto her…

"Mph…!" She held in her moans. It seemed like she was trying her best not to show shameful dudes.

This position gradually started to awaken the Qarinah within me. The succubi started chuckling.

My control over her Demonic Qi became greater…

This feeling of dominating her felt so nice…

Especially the way she squirmed in my arms, yet still chose not to escape despite the sensations.

"Feeling good?" I teased. Her face had already become beautiful after healing that area of her.

"…No." She lied with some dignity intact.

It made me want to bully her a little…

"You sure?" I clenched while speaking, then ripped out the last of the gooey substance on her chest.

Her face reddened while letting out another moan.

But I knew this wasn't at all 'ecstasy'.

It was more akin to comfort; the exact opposite of pain. Not that it stopped me from bullying her.

"My servant might think you're a slut of you keep moaning like that~" A made a devilish smile.

Then laid her face-down on the bed. She grabbed the cushion to make her moans quieter in volume.

Was she crying out of embarrassment now?

Somehow, my biological reaction wasn't a hard on.

I instead felt a warmth going through my entire body. My head felt lighter under the intense heat.

My hands continued to rip out the impurities…

The wooden bucket started to fill up, but it was at the moment I'd finally finished I noticed something.

Firstly, she was now stunningly beautiful. Not only was she cute, but she also seemed my type.

I liked her personality and interacting with her too.

Though what REALLY threw me off was something else entirely. It was the moistness near her crotch.

I touched that area of the bed and felt the slippery yet sticky substance. Was this… really 'that'?

This was a really hilarious situation.

There was an urge inside me to laugh at her, but there was something that made me keep it in.

…What was that exactly?

Love? No, this feeling was less passionate, more obsessive, and made my heart feel more complete.

"I'm done." I spoke with a cold voice. She quickly got up and looked at herself in the drawer's mirror.

Mu Tingyu was no longer the same as before.

No one could bully her over looking bad, for having no talent, or just for existing under the heavens.

Not while I was here…

"Thank you… Thank you…! My wish came true. It's all thanks to you!" She spoke to me passionately.

Her naked body hugged around my waist.

There was a warmth in her actions that were like an oasis to me- No, like finding ice in the desert.

My heart felt more complete with this warmth…

I wanted her now. A part of me wanted to immediately lock her away and keep her to myself.

In this empty world, will something be 'mine'?

"You're welcome." I accepted her gratitude. Then spoke before she decided to change her mind:

"Will you accept my Gift?"

"Yes!" She straightened her back expectantly. It looked like she had full faith in my actions.

"Then I'll add one condition."

"A condition…?"

"I promise to train you to become stronger if you accept. I'll stay by your side in thick and thin."

"It sounds like you're proposing to me…"

"Does it?" I put of a deceptive smile. She didn't seem to see through the actual emotions I felt.

I continued: "This will stabilise your condition."

It wasn't a lie. I planned on giving her a Combat Gift that could connect our fates to always be together.

"…Okay then." She agreed, and I took the opportunity. My hand touched her forehead.

Water Qi started flowing into her body. If her body had been incomplete, then this 'completed' it.

The defective Dao Physique (or Divine Physique) she was born with now became similar to mine.

Ice Qi started to fuse into the 'Bestowal'.

I imparted 'Azure Water' onto her, which was Wang Bingfei's most precious possession she cultivated.

Giving it away was akin to giving away my heart.

This Gift that was once so close to me, so close that it was like an extra limb, now became the essential power stabilising her physique. It was something I could never retake from her body.

"Wow~" She was amazed by the clean sensation of Azure Water harmoniously blending into her body.

This was exactly how I expected it to turn out.

She now had a variant Dao Physique. I decided to call it the 'Ice Demon Dao Physique' for now.

I grabbed her hand and spoke:

"This is my present. Do you like it?"

"How could I NOT?! My demon is the best!"

"But did you know… 'help' comes at a cost?"

"…Do you want my soul?"

"Similar." Her reaction made me amused.

"I want to live!" She seemed stubborn on that.

"Then you can give me something else."

"Like what?" She seemed unable to understand what she, a woman, could give me, a 'woman'.

"I want a relationship."


"So easily…?" I was quite surprised… She didn't seem the least bit wary of my existence at all.

It almost made me want to prove her wrong…

"So you want to be my friend?" So this is what she thought. It looked like I needed to break it to her.

I leaned in close and whispered to her ear…

Her face turned burning red as time passed. The words lingered in her heart when I stepped back.

"That's what I want."

"…" She seemed to be struggling at first, but eventually came to nod her head at me firmly.

"Then I guess everything is decided now."

"…This is purely physical." She turned her head

while speaking. I left her new clothes by the side.

Her lack of honesty was adorable…