Immersion To An ‘Over’ Extent

It was at that moment something happened...

A spark of electricity struck me before the immersion fully commenced. It was as if there was something in my body that went through a rude awakening. It kept amplifying the surge of energy.

What was happening to me?!

I tried to take the Immersion Gear off as soon as I could, but accidentally put too much pressure on it.

My strong grip broke the headgear's release button. It made it impossible to take it off...


My heart filled with panic. My head feeling a searing pain. Alerting me. Awakening me to dread.

I did something reckless...

"Argh!" A roar left my throat. My left head was torn off after forcibly ripping off the Immersion Gear.

However, it was far too late by then...

My body stumbled and tumbled. Hitting the table in front of my room's TV, I fell over quite pathetically.

My darkening vision looked at the TV's reflection.

The last thing my damaged eyes saw was my bleeding head. Burns had disfigured my face...

I knew that my life would end shortly...

How could I accept this?

Who was at fault? Was it my older sister...? No, my death was certain when 'it' amplified the spark.

What was that power that caused my death?

Blinking a few times, I found myself within the virtual world. There was no sky nor any ground.

Just a beautiful background image...


A familiar mechanical voice resounded...

Even without prior knowledge, I watched enough videos to know this was an impossible error.

Once the Immersion Gear was took off, there shouldn't have been any way to transfer my mind.

So why was it still telling me to put it back on...?

I could barely feel my body in reality despite my vision seeing this hallucination. It was losing power.

And yet, my arms moved without my permission.

Despite the excruciating pain, my hands grabbed the Immersion Gear and put it back on my head.

I could feel it locking onto my skull once again.


I didn't know why my body moved by itself, but the result was as expected. There's no way it'd work...

The feeling and senses other than my vision gradually vanished. Only my eyesight was left.

The burnt smell of my own corpse, the pain, and the taste of blood... All of it vanished in an instant.

What was left was being integrated into the Immersion Gear. My eyesight and hearing were left.

Wasn't I supposed to die?

Why was my Immersion Gear still active even after my death? What was that energy that killed me?


So many of the same messages was scrambling my brain as if it was causing 'white noise'.

I couldn't think properly…

That was… until I was hit by another message…


Miracle Maker…? Was THAT what killed me?

If 'it' truly was the one responsible for that energy that caused my head to be electrocuted, then it was also the thing that killed me. Now, my older sister was probably blaming herself for my death.

How would she even cope with losing me?

And so suddenly at that!

Why now?! Why did it have to be now?! Out of all the moments it could've happened, why now?!

The 'system' stopped talking and left me with so many questions, it made my veins pop.

The anger and resentment this unacceptable occurrence only made me want to smash my head.

It was only after a few hours did I finally accept my abnormal circumstances for what they were.

The 'cycle' was complete...

Grief filled my blackened heart as I looked towards the amazing screensaver put on behind me.

The background suddenly changed...

"" The mechanical voice explained.

But I chose to ignore it for a bit...

In actuality, I was actually quite surprised at my mentality. Why wasn't I more distraught over this?

Then it finally hit me...

Something similar to this happened in the past. I was actually used to being 'trapped' in a way.

The traumatic memory of how my mother essentially abandoned me in another country hit arose once again. Not only was I left completely on my own, but I was left with my distant relatives...

It was in an extreme attempt to 'fix' my introvert personality, but their effort only made it worse...

I wish I'd never trusted them at all...

Conversely, my beloved older sister that always took care of me abandoned her previous life as my mum's 'dog'. She became more independent, while I only gained depression from rejecting my plight.

It was different from how I internalised it now...

Of course, the extremity of the two circumstances in my life and death were on vastly different levels.

Even when trapped in another country you couldn't grasp the language of, you could still adapt.

There was also the chance of going back home.

However, I didn't have that option now. Going back home wouldn't happen... because I'm now dead.

It made me ask the VR cyber assistant:

"What's going to happen to me?"


"So I'm not ACTUALLY creating an Avatar?"


This sounded different from what I heard...



"So it's basically like the game I was about to play."

"" The way it answered clued me in to the fact the assistant wasn't a living being.

Anyway... Geez, then isn't this quite simple?

All I had to do was pick traits I liked. Who I became or where I ended up didn't really matter anymore.

...I'll just kill myself if I don't like anything.

There's nothing to live for anyway.

My sister was probably crying her eyes out, and thinking of her tears just made me want to die.

I didn't want to become such a tragedy to her...

My self-esteem and self-worth had already been destroyed multiple times over the years, but I didn't want to show her that. I tried to look 'normal' on the outside, however... it can't be held in anymore.

The darkness in my heart was flowing out...

I just wanted everyone to die. Why did things turn out so ridiculously? Why? Why!? Why!!? WHY!!!?


"Are you choosing the 'target' whatever I point out?" I calmed myself to ask this question.


"Then make me strong... and with nice features. I would also like it if my character's skill is something to do freezing emotions. Someone more assertive and maybe... a little richer than I was in life."


"Just hurry along already." I didn't want to be here anymore. This place was making me depressed.

My consciousness couldn't even fade in here...


I felt my mind weaken. New memories that weren't my own started to converge into my previous ones.

A realisation then struck me.

Now I knew what that bastard cyber assistant meant by incorporating unconscious desires.

To elaborate, let's just say that after feeling alienated in a family consisting mostly of girls, I might have sometimes spoke in anger that it might have been better if I had been born as a girl.

That was just my immaturity talking though...

Who would've guessed that such things would be incorporated into the new life I'd been given?

From what I remembered, my name was Crystal Frost. Her name was CRYSTAL FROST of all things!

…Anyway, my identity wasn't anyone special...

Just some random girl of the renowned Frost Clan within the Eastern Empire. Yeah... 'random'...

Actually, this was a Wuxia style world with Martial Artists. Though there was some differences.

The first being that 'Combat Gifts' were normal in this world. It was basically like a superpower.

The only difference was this required 'cultivating'...

Crystal Frost of the great Frost Clan was an oddity in her family, but a fortunate one to say the least.

It had to do with a mix of different coincidences.

The Wang Clan's 'Foundational Art' cultivated the technique called 'Azure Water'. It was an Art that allowed the user to completely control a limited body of water, but with a few benefits attached.

The first being that it didn't need to act like 'water' or even shape like it. Creating solidified H2O wasn't hard for the Wang Clan practitioners, and it was what allowed them to become a renowned family.

The second was how easy 'Yin Techniques' integrated into it, allowing the creation of ice.

This was what made me 'strong' in the Clan...

I clenched my fist and felt my five senses reawakening. It felt just like a game in some way.

The only difference was the synchronisation rate.

My eyes opened to see a barely decorated room the original girl with this body was used to.

She was such a boring person to be honest...

Born as the daughter of the Main Family, Crystal Frost was one of the few who descended from a family that practiced 'selective breeding'. Any rogue practitioner with strength was married in.

Rather than throwing strong Martial Artists in general into the gene pool, only those who were naturally born with a Gifts were selected. They were naturally endowed with water type abilities.

This likely had to do with bloodline...

It seemed that the Frost Clan believed themselves to be descendants of a proud Azure Dragon...

...but that lineage had became faint in the past.

That's why they married in those with any type of water affinity bloodline they could find, until...

…There was a change in their bloodline. It caused members of the Main Family to form cyan skin.

These used to be sea blue deformities on the entire physique. It once made the Frosts look really ugly.

Fortunately, this was 'normal' in the Main Family.

What separated the Branch Families and Outer Members from the Main Family was their innate disposition. As a result of selective breeding, a sudden mutation happened within their bloodline.

And it was called the 'Ice Mortal Dao Physique'.

Members of the Main Family were born with this physical mutation with certainty even after they stopped selective breeding. It was almost like a curse on the lineage, despite how beneficial it was.

This physique allowed access to a natural Combat Gift known as 'Cold Heart', which boosted the user's mental fortitude a whole lot. It was a passive ability that multiplied the user's mental strength.

This made members of the Main Family cold and calculating, which is why I found her boring...

Crystal Frost was a little like me to be honest. She was an introvert who liked Martial Arts a whole lot.

That's why she trained diligently...

Her room had screamed what someone obsessed with only Internal Martial Arts would desire for.

It was dreary and only meant for mediation...

I considered it a waste of her natural endowments in the chest area, but it also made me admire her.

Crystal was lucky though...

Unlike the rest of her entire family, the diligent daughter of the Wang Clan mutated even further.

She gained the 'Ice Immortal Dao Physique'...

It was just one word difference, but the impurities in her body were purged to create a new body.

Her 'Cold Heart' even became stronger overall and became 'Frozen Heart'. It boosted mental fortitude.

No, it practically gave high resistance to mental attacks and interference. A really strong 'Innate Gift' that rarely formed in people, that was different from the 'Combat Gifts' formed using cultivation.

My memories started to halt there…

It felt like the rest was being blocked by some kind of restraint. I wasn't sure what I was dealing with.

I took a deep breath and got used to the tingling sensation that came with my senses reconnecting.

After I was done, my eyes scanned my body with cold eyes. Part of my heart was already dead...

...but that didn't stop me from taking a look at myself. After all, my looks really weren't half bad.

Maybe this was a fortunate 'over dive'...

My looks were so damn fine. Like a typical ice beauty, my body was seductive in a lot of ways.

It's no wonder Crystal always covered it up...

At first, having her looks more appreciated was a nice change. Though became annoying over time.

To her, guys looking at her in such a way was annoying at best and disgusting at worse.

There were no good feelings she had towards her appearance other than 'being useful'.

Her appearance was different with me though...

As a straight male on the inside who had never had any sexual encounters, my body felt really... 'hot'.

Was I getting turned on by my own looks...?

No wonder guys sometimes picked female characters to play as. They were such eye candy~!

Who cares if it was weird?

I would tap that ass if I still had my junk. Now I could touch it, since this was my own body anyway.

Though doing so created a weird feeling...

Feeling my own hands grope my perky rear and bountiful chest created a weird sensation...

I wasn't sure what it was to be honest.

Maybe because a genuine woman's past was integrated into my memories, but my own body didn't seem to turn me on in terms of touch. It felt too natural to touch them without hesitation.

This turned me off...

Still, it was a waste to have this nice body hidden away by thick layers of clothing from the north.

A strange fire burnt underneath my frozen mind...

Wow, I'm so damn fine~

But just as I was about to get off on my own vane thoughts, I started to notice my surroundings.

With my senses finally being connected, I found myself finally noticing the fluids covering my body.

It was crimson red…

…and really smelled like…



My eyes suddenly widened when I noticed that my body was straddling a man. It was a brutal scene.

However, my brain was strangely still rational.

Perhaps due to the effects of 'Frozen Heart'- No…

I remember… 'Frozen Heart'… The 'me' who had gotten to this point had already lost that Gift.

The environment awoke the rest of my memories…

Those dark traumas I wished were forgotten…