Princess Pavitra

A few years later...


The old wooden door was slowly opened wide. Outside of it, a man could be seen. He was wearing what appeared to the uniform of a butler, or maybe even a servant. The servant was wearing a white shirt alongside some black trousers. The material itself seemed to be of the highest quality. Not many in the kingdom or the world for that matter would ever be able to afford such top-quality material.

His voice was clear and yet respectful. Though his eyes showed none of the respect of which his voice gave.

"Your Highness. His Majesty has called for you to attend the announcement." With that, the servant took a step outside of the door and seemed to be waiting patiently.

The one he addressed as your highness, looked up as he stepped outside. Her brown eyes seemed to gaze out of the door for a minute as if she was seeing someone that was not there.

Then she gracefully stood up. Her flaming red dress wrapt around her slender body, showing off her curves and grown body. The red of the dress though was in clear contrast to her brown skin and silky black hair. If anything it looked weird. The contrast was just too massive and yet it seemed to suit her perfectly. It only served to make her look stunning.

As she began to walk confidently towards and out of the door, the sound of her footsteps as they hit the cold stone floor, echoed out around the room.

As she left what appeared to be her room, into a long hallway. Four handmaids appeared from out of nowhere. No one reacted though to them, seemingly just popping up, it was as if they were all just used to it happening by now. The maids were all dressed identically though, similar in colour to the servant with them wearing white and black, but they had on a dress. Giving a clear difference between the male and female servants.

The servant as he looked over the woman, trying to find any kind of problems with how she was dressed, muttered.

"Your Highness, Princess Pavitra. Would you please follow me to the throne room, where your father the King is waiting."

He didn't wait for her response and began to walk off down the hallway. Not pausing to look at the various pieces of artwork and sculptures that adorned the walls and podiums which served to make the dull grey stone hallway a bit more interesting and alive.

The Princess sighed a little. She looked lonely, which is surprising. She is a Princess! She should have loads of people around her, she should be one of the last people who would ever be lonely and yet all that could be seen from her face was just that. Loneliness.

Then she began to walk forward, slowly following after the servant but instead of walking past all of the paintings and other works of art. She stopped at each one and gazed into them.

The first piece was a painting of what appeared to be, people arriving on ships and landing on a beach. Over their heads was a flag adorned with a phoenix as its crest, the next piece was similar still showing the phoenix flag but instead, this one showed a massive city. The city was made completely of grey stone and was protected by a long stone wall. The keep of that city, stood towering above it, placed onto a hill. The final picture was not a scene of a place though, but a portrait instead.

The portrait showed a woman much like the Princess in appearance. They both shared the same eyes and skin tone. Even their hair was of the same colour! There were some differences though, such as the shape of their noses being different and it was clear at first sight, that the two were of a different height. The other difference was the golden crown, encrusted with rubies that the woman in the portrait was wearing.

The Princess stood at this picture for the longest. She just stood there staring at it. If one looked closely, they would be able to see some tears running down the Princesses face.

Then the now annoyed voice of the butler echoed down the hallway.

"Your highness, please. We have to go to the throne room!"

Just as the Princess turned away she mumbled, "I wish I could have known you mother." Her voice cracked as she said mother, this was ignored though, by the maids, who just seemed to be expressionless throughout the whole thing, it looked like they had no emotion at all.

Then she walked away, heading towards the throne room. Passing by massive gardens adorned with a wide variety of flowers. Some were red roses and others were more tropical plants such as Bromelia and Guzmania.

As she passed by the third garden, the only one which had a fountain within it. A loud voice yelled out.

"Pavitra! Dear sister, please wait for a second!"

A man then came running through and out of the garden. Behind him, were a few Servants desperately running to keep up with the man.

The man looked very similar to the Princess, both sharing a few of the same facial features such as nose and hair colour. But then if you were to look around, you would notice almost everyone has the same hair and skin tone.

The Princess looked at the man for a minute, some annoyance flashing across her eyes before she put on a kind and caring smile.

"Ah, brother Garv. I thought you would already be at the throne room with our dear father, oh and your charming mother as well. You are always, seemingly the first of the five of us to get to these announcements. After all, you are the eldest sibling. It should be your duty."

The Prince did not even miss a beat at her words.

"Ah, but little sister. What kind of brother would I be if I did not escort my sweet sister? After all, this announcement will be affecting us all."

The Princess seemed to be a little shocked at the last part of his sentence.

She tentatively asked, "You know what the announcement is about? I thought it was supposed to be a secret…"

The Prince just smiled at her lightly.

"Ah yes, I guess you would not know. It is rumoured that our dear father, will be announcing who will be the heir to the throne, which as we both know, will be me."

The Prince had a massive smile on his face as he declared that. One look at him was all the Princess needed to confirm that what he said, was exactly what he thought would happen.

The Princess said nothing though and just performed a small curtesy.

"Ah, I better be going then dear brother. After all, not one of us should stop father announcing what he wishes. We don't want him to decide to make one of our other siblings the heir as you were not there."

The Prince's face, hearing her words suddenly became very stiff.

"You are right sister, I must go."

Then to the sorrowful expressions of his servants, he dashed off towards the throne room. Fully intent on reaching it, within a record-breaking time.

The Princess chuckled sightly seeing his antics. Then she began to walk slowly after her brother. Passing by yet more pieces of art and other forms of decoration. Much to the joy of the servant though, she didn't stop this time to admire the art.

She just carried on walking, straight towards the throne room. Finally after passing around a corner. The entrance to the room could be seen. The massive, oversized doors were currently sealed shut. The black metal of the doors as one looked at it, could be seen to be carved into. The cavings themselves depicting various scenes from the past. In fact, according to tradition and history. Every major event of the kingdom and the royal family could be seen in this door.

The Princess did not stop walking forwards though and began to head straight towards the door.

The two guards who were standing on the sides quickly noticed her approaching and stood straighter. Their dark leather armour creaked slightly at the small movement and the spears in their hands almost seemed straight enough to stab into the heavens itself.

Once she was right in front of the doorway though, she stopped. Everyone that could see her currently was looking at her back, their faces all full of confusion at why she had suddenly stopped.

Then with a deep breath, she pushed open the door, walking into the throne room.

With that, a loud voice announced her presence.

"I introduce her Highness, Princess Pavitra. The fifth child of his majesty the King. Captain of the Ninth Regiment, Commander within the Royal Guard. And last but most certainly not least, the youngest awakened mage to ever grace this continent!"